At this party, author Mike Dunbar will spend a few minutes talking about his inspiration for the book and his path to publication. Then you get to bombard him with all the questions you have!
I will also be there to talk a little bit about where the series is going, our plans for publication and other exciting news!
Also, there could be a really hot special guest who has the voice of a God.... could be!
As a thank you to our fans, and because it is cool, we are hosting a raffle giveaway of three cd albums from Black Agnes' first CD, signed by the author and the lead singer of the band. If you don't know who these guys are, then you definitely want to attend the time travel party and find out what this awesome band has to do with The Castleton series!
In the mean time, go ahead and enter the raffle on the top right side of this page!
There are several things that you can do in order to get more entries into the raffle, so get going and do them!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!
Until next time,
Keep Reading and Writing!
loved the books I will be @ the event!